NYDG Foundation is a global network of experts, with influence and resources, who come together to improve medical wellness in underserved populations. Our mission is to deliver on-the-ground education, prevention and relief to humans in need because we envision a world changed, newly confident in its skin.
NYDG Foundation Rx: Haiti inaugural fundraiser on May 6, 2010 raised significant funds and critical awareness to secure prosthetic devices and provide related medical care for Haitians who suffered limb loss in the January 12, 2010 earthquake. We built a website with connectivity via blogs, social networking and e-mail marketing to promote the gala and awareness for the cause. I worked with NYDG to create the foundation and hold the first fundraiser. I served as Executive Director to craft the narrative on how the foundation would help, design programs and share the voice of the organizations on all channels, from the board room, to social media.