It took a year for father and son Jay and Mark Eisenhofer to write “Black Shadow,” their debut science fiction novel. They wanted to invest a year promoting the book as well.
The year was 2020 — a science fiction story all its own. Schools and bookstores were closed, but kids had plenty of time to read. We reached them via Free Little Libraries up and down the Eastern Seaboard. We called attention to the books with bookmarks in the libraries on social media. A modern-day golden ticket.
We honored the idea that inspired the novel: Mark’s comment that the best characters are “a little bit good and a little bit bad.” We shared this as a novel that inspires superheroes and supervillains.
We established, populated, and left an evergreen presence for Black Shadow on Amazon, iTunes, Goodreads, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and BlackShadowAdventures.com.

We created this animated version of Black Shadow to share the adventure in the medium social media audiences prefer - video.

Bookmarks advertising Black Shadow were placed in Free Little Libraries up and down the Eastern Seaboard.

The author was inspired to write this novel when his son remarked that the best characters are al little bit good and a little bit bad. We applied this thinking to the marketing as well -- that the book would inspire super heroes and super villains. These ads ran at NYTimes.com, USAToday.com, Buzzfeed.com, People.com.

This adaption was made for Facebook -- to play off the idea that Facebook is for friends.

Larry Silberfein: copy + concepts
Jay Vollmar: illustrations + animations
Stephanny de Paula: social media iterations
Caroline Curry: Free Little Library animations; social media support
Jaime Bruck: PR
Alison Curry: Strategy, Development, Creative Direction, Website design & construction